Saturday, October 19, 2019

Two in One

Hi everyone!

Obviously, we aren't going to do the shelving construction this morning - unless anyone has a time machine and a really messed up sense of priorities. So, that question on the survey is off - I'm going to set up two dates for shelving construction - November 9th and December 14th. If the job doesn't get finished on the first one (I will not be able to be present for that), we'll knock it out for sure in December (I will be able to be present for that).

Next, I realize that the first question on the survey is worded a bit funny - so I'm going to revise it. Right now, it's split 4/3, but I'm not sure that the question made sense. Please, please, please, respond to that question - I don't want to use (or not use) any of our moldy old money without a lot of responses. I'm sending out a link to the revised survey with the notes from tomorrow's meeting.

Here are the results for the (now closed) survey:  

For shirts, I have looked at a couple of sites that could help us put that together. There are some good ones - it seems like a popular idea, so just watch for updates on that.

Hope to see you soon!


Hi everyone,

As usual, sorry about getting this out so late, but I wanted to make sure that I had a few things down as far as dates go.

And, here are the notes from last week's meeting!

Secular Sunday

October 13, 2019
·         Ann Brady
·         Brian
·         Sean Bienert
·         Gina
·         Joe
·         Molly
·         Gene
·         Tara
·         Adam
·         James
·         Stephanie
·         Tabatha
·         Derek
·         Lisa
·         Pam
·         Bob
·         John
·         Hunter

First shelf assembly at the IRC was yesterday. We managed to get one set assembled but not stained. All the cutting is done. We can either do the others in October (there is at least one more Saturday when they will be open in the morning), or in November or even in early December. To stain or to paint? The stain is free. May have paint donated. In November, the date is November 9th. In December, the date is either the  7th or the 14th. Sean will not be available on Nov. 9th.
Book Club is October 26th, the book is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett.
We have an Adopt-A-Street. Date for cleanup will be announced soon.
Lisa – still pushing for Oct. 27th for David Warnock to come and speak.  Difficulty in finding a room in a local hotel because of Furniture Market. We may need to have a donation for him. He is a former pastor. Through the Clergy Project, he met another pastor (Cas Midgely) who does a podcast, Everyone is Agnostic. Dave just found out that he has ALS and is doing a “Dying Out Loud” speaking tour.
Molly – Weaver House, once a month or once every two months provide a meal for about 75 people. We would have to cover the cost of the food.
Discussion Notes:
Taming your tongue. Ellen Degeneres/Bush kerfluffel.  Is it a good idea to be nice to people who hate you?  Bush was in power and was opposed to LBGT+ rights. 
Cursing – when you are in need, you need to conform (James/Adam). Hierarchy of needs at least a little, must be met before you can afford to be non-conformist (Tabatha). We value individualism, but in a very conformist way (Molly).
So much of youth rebellion is born in corporate America (Sean).
Math Rock – very technical, very crafted, like a wall of noise. Do you like it because its good, or because you just like it?
How do you convince homeless people that they need to conform? What is their goal? Do they want to get off the street? Are they happy where and how they are? Aren’t these the same people who would be the explorers and opening up new territories in past times?
Aren’t homeless people deserving of housing, basic care?
It isn’t our job to determine what is success for others. We can only speak for ourselves.
Mental illness is a causal factor in becoming homeless. If you become a danger to others, then intervention may be necessary, but are differing ways of looking at the world a reason to medicate people? (James)
The wealthy have more in common with each other, no matter what their politics, than they do with any of us.
All social experiments to get rid of classes and castes has failed in the end. (James)
Somehow we ended up on the subject of whether animals have souls. EDITOR'S NOTE: THEY DO. MORESO THAN WE DO. HAVE YOU MET PEOPLE?

Sunday, October 6, 2019

&%$# It All (Secular Sunday about Profanity!)


I shan't be at the Secular Sunday tomorrow. I'll miss you all. I shall return next week 

Book Club is

Shelving Cutting and Staining will be this coming Saturday. We need saw horses, a chop saw, and a table saw. Please, RSVP and comment what you can bring on the event site.

We talked this past Sunday (sorry for how late this is) about a few things. Here they are:

Lisa told us about Dave Warnock, a former Nashville preacher who has deconverted, been diagnosed with ALS, and runs a Clergy Project. We could, for the low, low price of about 85 twice - (hotel room for two nights) have him come and speak to our group. Look him up, I think you'll find him fascinating. As fro money, we'll have to have 1) a survey on whether or not we want to afford that 2) an accounting of how much cash we've got after shelving at the IRC. Speaking of which, I am going to need to call an Organizer Meeting in late October or early November. Organizers? What do we think?

Karen told us about Shane Mauss and his recent performances at the Idiot Box. He apparently incorporates the teaching of science into comedy, stylishly.

The subject was profanity, and there was a lot about which to cuss. We started off with the absurdity of what we call profane - Cornelius Evazan losing his arm (yes, he had a name) in Mos Eisely in Star Wars Episode IV vs any kind of a butt being shown in just about anything. Additionally, we talked about just how much boob can be shown before it becomes "pornographic," and how ridiculous that is. Is society saying that murder is more natural than a naked body?

We talked about the prudishness of the American profanity and the comparative relaxation of English humor. Specifically, this. We went on to talk about Winning Through EnlightenmentAnd this darling of the idea that one should - correct me if I am wrong about the quote, "Never raise your opinion to the level of relevance." I like it anyway.

Karen brought up the fascinating What the F and the categories of swearing: profane vs sacred - HOLY, sexual (taboo) F***ING, scatological S***, and in/out group N***** - we talked about natural disinclinations toward subjects, such as swearing based on fecalphobia, coming from an instinct of the amygdala. Karen also introduced us to the colorful world Quebecois Swearing

We talked for a while - to be extremely - I'll be diplomatic and say - succinct, about different nonverbal profanities, the possible biblical roots of verbal profanity, Mark Twain, "The Awful German Language," "The Life of Brian," and phonaesthetics which I misnomered as metonomy. For instance, the hard "c" of the c word for the female anatomy vs. the soft "f" of the f word.

I won't be there next time, but next time the subject is supposed to be the changing zeitgeist with acceptability in gender roles.