Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sunday, July 30th: Ghosts and Memories and Information and the Hadron Collider

This Sunday: Information, Identity, Memories, and Ghosts!!!
We've talked in the past about the possibility of a deity-free life after death scenario. Well, there are a few articles that have come to my attention recently that are pretty wild.
3)  http://bigthink.com/philip-perry/scientists-have-discovered-how-to-implant-false-memories

One and two are at odds. Three is an interesting point because it speaks to what a person's existence sort of is. Check them out or just come join the conversation! I'm back from Pennsylvania and will be happy to see anyone who comes on the 30th.
Come and talk. Come and listen. This is a judgement free zone. Hope to see you some Sunday!