Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A Movie Recommendation, A Fond Farewell, Drinking Skeptically You Call It, And A Few Other Things..

So, Kia and I were watching a class after finals and happened upon an absolutely fantastic animated movie with skeptical undertones - Small Foot is a movie about bigfoots (bigfeet?... yetis?) who live in denial of us - the small feet. Their various credos as a society boil down to, "don't question stuff; if things appear to contradict the ancient wisdom, the truth is wrong - the ancient wisdom is always correct." It's good. Anyway, that is all.

This past Sunday, Josh Yarden led a wonderful text discussion of Genesis 22 - which I would love to subtitle here, but I feel like Josh would probably respond: Hm, interesting idea, but no, your joke inaccurately represents the text on an objective level. which Lyn would then say, "Right and wrong? Isn't that a binary?" And we would all chuckle to ourselves. The Secular Text study was informational an interesting. I feel unqualified to do too much paraphrasing, but sufficed to say we went from "hineni" <here I am> to existentialism and back - see Josh's previous e-mail or ask someone for a forward if you didn't get it. It brought up the fact that Isaac doesn't really have words with Abraham anymore, which I never really questioned as a religious person but leaves me say, "Well, duh, he almost burnt him!" (Insulted? Sacrificed? AMBIGUITY!) Unfortunately, as Josh said in his e-mail, he is moving. I have given him his name tag as an unburnt offering that he may do with as he wills. We wish you safe travels and to see you again when the various primal forces of the universe throw us together. We are poorer to have lost you but richer for having known you. All the best.

Here, I would like to pose to you the next Drinking Skeptically venue - Grasshoppers game on the 22nd of June? Or, a bar night this weekend? I will not be able to make the former, as I will be in Fluffya (Philly, as the outsiders say). I wanted to leave it up to you! What do you think? Message me back and let me know!

We have a few things coming up soon! 1) We're going to need to figure out dues, and I'll get you more information about that soon! 2) We'll have more information about shelving at the Interactive Resource Center soon! 3) We're going to start doing adopt a highway again... guess when? SOON!

Much love!

Monday, June 3, 2019


Good day to you all!

I thought I'd post this out (a little later than I wanted to, as usual) somewhat before this week's Secular Sunday, which I will not be attending. My school year will be ending soon, and because of that I am excited to get started on some of the projects that we've been talking about as a group, particularly our 501c3 status and shelving at the IRC. More on that in a few.


On May 25th, our first every SCOTT pub crawl was a smashing success, where we visited 8.5 bars (Preyer doesn't count as a full bar because there was a private event going on there when we tried to show up) and ended up at Boxcar. I had a blast, and I think most everyone else did as well. The next Drinking Skeptically will be either a fire pit night, a baseball game, or... perhaps a brunch??? Message me if you have an idea!

The Book Club got together to discuss The Year of Living BiblicallyThough I've never finished the book, I am fairly familiar with it and have read a few funny excerpts. I gather that the discussion and camaraderie was great, and we are lucky to have Molly organizing this. The next meeting will be June 22nd, and they will be discussing The Poisonwood Bible which is phenomenal. The meetings are in Earth Fare's common room at 5 pm. The Meetup link is here.

Last Sunday, we discussed alienation. The semi-paradoxical nature of social media came up pretty much immediately (memory fails me as to whether or not a I brought it up at the beginning of the meeting or the conversation just sort of flowed that way), as well as people who document life rather than experience it - why do people feel the need to do that? Are we, as a species, streamlining our paths to validation with carefully curated and sometimes dishonest appraisals of our own lives, or are we trying to record something for posterity with a subtle fear of death and a desire for any kind of digital immortality we can get?


 We talked about how much and how often any of us use social networks. What counts as a social network? And, if you're friends on Linkedin, does that person actually even like you? Kidding about the last one.

Friend of the group, Ashish George, sent me this a little while ago, and I felt that it hit the nail pretty firmly on the head when it comes to what happens when we're trying to live in the present and be on social media as well. It's good, even if - as someone who, on occasion, grades whilst netflixing - I did feel a little attacked. BTW: remember when you didn't have to fear for your life because of people texting and driving?


Nope, it's the love of money - thank you 1 Timothy 6:10. Ann and I are still sans golden jet some years into this, but it's time we buttered up a couple of people because I still have to fly steerage coach when I fly. Actually, it's because registering as a 501c3 requires the payment of a fee. And, we'll also need some money to keep the Meetup site up, but that won't happen for a little while yet.

Lastly, shelving at the IRC is probably going to cost us something. A few of you wonderful folks have already come forward with potential sources and donations of shelving, which might be all we need (more money for the golden jet). At some point, I need a project manager to say, all right, this is what we're going to do - either having gone to the IRC themselves or having spoken more with the fantastic John Perry (who has pictures and connections) can come up with a more specific plan for exactly how much we're going to need, when we're going to do it, what everyone will need to do/bring/pitch in, etc. Now, Kia has probably stopped reading at this point, so I'm going to go ahead and say that I can probably start heading this up once the school year is completely over. You'll know whether or not she's read this part of the message because she will actually murder me if I take this on. In addition to summer lesson planning, several hobbies, current group responsibilities, summer projects, and, of course, waffle making.

Kidding about the murder...
I think.

So, we're going to need to collect some money at some point. Some people have already been generous, and some others have promised future generosity. I 1) want to keep the group going 2) am hoping to keep it entirely donation-based, but that may be tough, going forward. Anyway, I thought I'd ask if anyone had any ideas for this because, of course, you, the members, are what makes this group what it is. Ideas?


Next, I've already talked to the esteemed Joe Lantz about being the webmaster for the website that we have and actually does exist. (You're here now!) He encouraged me to put out some feelers to see if anyone else might say, "Joe Lantz? I could do a heap of a better job than him!" Note: You don't actually have to say that, but if you can offer the group some help with our currently very rudimentary website, that would be wonderful. Just so you know, you will not be hurting anyone's feelings, but you will have to fight Joe... to the death.

With an organizing body having been elected and appointed, it is now time to call for any changes to the bylaws - we've already had it suggested that people are nominated and can accept/decline/campaign for their position before there actually is a vote on that position. I have a feeling that that will pass unanimously at the next leadership meeting, but I wanted to ask if there were any other suggestions for additions to the bylaws. If you need a copy, e-mail me.

Let me know what you think.

All right, I shan't see you all tomorrow (and if I do, I'll ignore you and quietly whisper under my breath "But it's my day off from these people!") ðŸ˜‚😂😂 Kidding. I love you all. And, I will see any and all of you who come to NEXT week's meeting. I believe we will be doing a text discussion then, June 9th, but let me clear that up with our good Mr. Yarden!

Have a great week, everyone - there may be a follow up e-mail with more news or more updates after the meeting tomorrow.

Much love,
