Monday, November 13, 2017

A Few Topics and Other Items

Hi everyone,

I hope that this finds you well, and that everyone is as happy and as healthy as they can be. I just wanted to throw out an update for a few things.

1) Topics

I'm putting together topics for a few Secular Sundays, starting with the next one - November 19th. At that, I plan to discuss Skepticism vs. Denial. We've discussed things pursuant to this several times, and I find it worthy of revisitation. Hope to see you there.

The 26th of November, I won't be able to make it to Geeksboro that morning, but I will leave the event open to anyone who would like to be there.

I'd like to discuss Artificial Intelligence on December 3rd. I am reading up on the subject and would like the discussion to keep its footing in what is currently possible as ground work before we start mentally inventing HAL or even Johnny 5.

December 10th, I think we can take a break from topics, unless a reason presents itself.

December 17th, I was thinking we could talk about blasphemy/insult/hate speech and nuances and baggage that come with all three. Credit to Lyn for thinking of it, and I'd agree that it's a very relevant thing to discuss. After all, how many of us have been accused of nastiness in the name of truth. Beyond that, is it wrong to make fun of something that gives other people hope? Is it wrong to profane that which others will kill and die for? We've had a lot discussions along these tracks, but every time, we come away with some new ideas, and new people get to share their thoughts.

2) Potential Topics

I have wanted to talk about Quantum probability for a very long time. That having been said, it's not a topic that too many people understand. The implications of it are, I think, certainly worth discussing - if my understanding of it is correct. If anyone is versed in the subject or knows someone who could be invited to our Sunday discussion, that would be fantastic. I don't want to, as several of you have heard me say, enter into ultracrepadarianism

If you have a topic you'd like to discuss and a date you'd like it discussed, let me know!

3) Directory Information

Those of you who have given your directory information, I'm going to send private e-mails to you in the next few days with the rest of the list included in it. If you've submitted info, but would like to opt out. Let me know.

4) Memories

I just wanted to let you all know - and this is NOT a guilt trip - that I haven't seen some of you in a while, and I miss you! I do not in any way want for Secular Sunday to ever feel like an obligation. After all, isn't that sort of thing why people leave religion? The "thou shalt" sort of mentality? Anyway, even if you can't drop by, I understand. I just hope that everyone is doing and feeling well. Drop me a line!

Have a great one! Love you all!